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Blog Archive
Archived Magento, WordPress and general web development blog posts
Magento Development in Northern Ireland
Magento Belfast
Don't use images to display text
Magento2 – Show/hide layered navigation on category pages
Start/Stop XAMPP on Ubuntu using Terminal
Magento2 CLI: Set Ubuntu PHP Version to match LAMPP/XAMPP
Enable Magento2 Command-Line Interface (CLI) on Linux
Cookie pop-up notification for legacy websites.
The latest update to PHP7 is here… 7.2.0
Shopify: Setting up a multipurpose CMSed liquid homepage section
Shopify: List product variations on collection pages
CMS blocks disappear after version upgrade or SUPEE-6788 patch
Magento Code: Seasonal sales link
Running Ubuntu on Windows
Why is WordPress so popular?
GDPR: What is the EU General Data Protection Regulation?
Checkout problems upgrading to Magento
Upgrading Magento 1 through the Magento Connect Downloader
Upgrading Magento 1 through command line
How to update your hosts file.
Magento Server Transfer – Tried and Tested Method
Ordering assets in Magento 2
Magento Code: Innoexts Currency Pricing Module Price and Special Price Import via SSH
PHP: glob
Magento Code: Check an import directory for new product CSVs and process using a Magmi profile
Magento: What are Sage Pay Orphan Transactions?
PHP: header
PHP: str_replace
Create a custom URL rewrite/redirect in Magento
Magento Code: Include currency switcher in the header or footer with Foundation mark-up
Magento Code: Add a drop down attribute and display it on the product page in custom HTML
Create a plain text file on Windows
Create a plain text file on MacOS
Create a plain text file on Linux
Magento header.phtml basic user account and basket code
Magento Issue: Unable to sort configurable product attribute drop down options
Testing YouTube embedded video responsiveness in WordPress
Magento product types and what to use them for
Anonymous Browsing
WordPress Code: Completely disable comments using functions.php
MySQL TRUNCATE command: Quickly and easily clear out the Magento database
Session Management and Validation Settings in Magento Configuration
All-in-one Google Analytics tracking in Magento
All-in-one Facebook Pixel Code for Magento ecommerce
Why you should be using Magento for your ecommerce website
How to use PHP to submit a cURL request with HTTP Post data
Getting your product information ready for importing to your website
You win Google: I’m Moving from to
Add Facebook Pixel Code to Magento Success Page
Quickfix: Quickly add a new Magento CMS page template
Magento Code: Bulk add a new product attribute to all store attribute sets
Magento Code: UK and Ireland counties for region drop-down in addresses
Cloudflare: My next step for website optomisation
Why use an SSL?.. Number 3: Search Engine Optimisation
Why use an SSL?.. Number 2: User Confidence
ADSL vs Fibre Broadband
Why use an SSL?.. Number 1: Security
Magento Issue: One Page Checkout appearing to jump to the bottom of the page after address is entered
Useful .htaccess Rules: Setting the expires header for browser caching
MySQL Database Backup and Restore via Command Line (Copy-and-pasteable)
PayPal IPN notification errors with Magento
PHP: Use WordPress blog tags to find related posts
Google Chrome getting a new Security Panel for developers
PC Gaming Wins
Iceland 2015
Magento 2.0: An introduction to what has changed
M1 Get your Magento store ready for Black Friday
PHP Storm and making FTP connections with SSL (FTPS)
Web Application Security Testing
Magento: How to clear all caches through command line
Steven says Slack messenger is awesome
How to link to a PDF in WordPress
M1 Import Values to Dropdown/Multiple Select Attributes
M1 Batch updater for Magento Product SKUs
Block access based on Client IP using PHP
Useful .gitattributes defaults for Beanstalk Git
Upgrading to Google’s Universal Analytics in Magento
Add Google Analytics ecommerce:addTransaction to your Magento Store
Add Static Blocks to CMS Pages in Admin
Useful Excel Commands for Magento Image Import
Domains, Subdomains and Subdirectories
Magento Issue: Subtotal and Grand Total prices double at Cart/Checkout stages
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