Magento2 CLI: Set Ubuntu PHP Version to match LAMPP/XAMPP

Posted in Magento on 4 June 2018

This post has been archived

The content of this post has not been updated since 2018, and may be out of date. Extra care should be taken with any code provided.

The Magento2 Command Line Interface (CLI) needs to use the same version of PHP as your local web environment. You can check this by setting up an info.php script with in it “<?php phpinfo();” and comparing the output with the command “$ which php“.

You may find you are running two different versions of PHP each with its own PHP executable: by default one will be located in /usr/bin and another in somewhere like /opt/lampp/bin.

If you want to execute /opt/lampp/bin/php instead of /usr/bin, open your .bashrc file

sudo nano ~/.bashrc

At the very end add a new line:


Once you have saved .bashrc, run the command:

source .bashrc

You will now find bash is running the same PHP version and environment as your web server

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