Running Ubuntu on Windows

Posted in Notes on 26 January 2018

**One of my favourite aspects of Windows 10 has been the Linux subsystem for Windows.


I’ve been using it since launch partly because it sounded cool but also because a majority of my development projects are Linux based and when I’m interacting with a server I use Bash, a command line interface for Linux.

Day to day usefulness

As someone who daily has to interact with various servers it makes sense to use bash everywhere. On Windows with the Linux subsystem, you can Bash scripts, use command-line tools like sed, awk, grep, and you can even run Linux-first tools like Ruby, Git, Python, etc. directly on Windows.

You have complete access to your existing Windows filesystem from within Bash allowing you to work on the same set of files using both Windows applications and Linux command-line tools.

Desktop experiments

On the experimental side and with the addition of a window manager Xming X Server I have been able to run Linux applications such as Open Office, Firefox and Tor Browser from within the Linux subsystem on Windows.


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